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How to upload a video

Uploading a video is very straight forward.

Just click the upload icon in the top right of the screen;

You will then see the following;

  1. Publish Now - Choose whether to publish the video as soon it has uploaded or at a later date
  2. Video Title - Can be no more than 100 characters, this title is used in many places on the site where your video is listed
  3. Description - Can be no more than 5000 characters, this field is optional and can be used to provide further information to your video
  4. Content Sensitivity - Please make sure you choose the appropriate setting that accurately represents your video
  5. Upload Video - The preferred aspect ratio of a video is 16:9 but we do accept all sizes. Valid video formats include: '.mov', '.mp4', '.avi', '.wmv', '.3gp', '.ogg', '.webm', '.mkv', '.m4v'
  6.  Upload Cover - The preferred aspect ratio of the cover is 16:9 but we do accept all sizes. If you upload other aspect ratios some cropping or filling the unused space with a black background may occur. Accepted file types include jpg and png. The cover, also know as a thumbnail is required when uploading a video. To view our topic on the best naming practices for a cover image please see here.

Once you've completed each section please click the 'Finish' button in the top right.

After the video has uploaded you will see the processing screen, once the video has processed it will be searchable and viewable on the site.

From your video you can click on 'Settings' to add more information to your video such as hashtags, choosing a category, and allowing discussion. Click save when you're entered this information;

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BitChute is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform. Creators are allowed to post content they produce to the platform, so long as they comply with our policies. The content posted to the platform is not reflective or representative of the views of Bit Chute Limited, its staff or owners. © 2017-2023 Bit Chute Limited, Box 813, Andover House, George Yard, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1PB. United Kingdom. Company number 10637289.

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