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How to upload a video

Step 1: Create an Account or Log In

  • If you don't have an account, go to the BitChute homepage and click on "Sign Up." Follow the prompts to register.
  • If you already have an account, log in using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the Upload Page

Once logged in, locate the upload icon, which typically looks like a camera or an arrow pointing up, usually found in the top right corner of the screen. Click on this icon to start the upload process.

Step 3: Prepare Your Video

  • Format: BitChute accepts several video formats including '.mov', '.mp4', '.avi', '.wmv', '.3gp', '.ogg', '.webm', '.mkv', and '.m4v'. The preferred aspect ratio is 16:9, but other sizes are accepted.
  • File Name: Avoid using special characters in your file name, title, or description as they can cause upload issues.
  • Size: If possible, optimize your video size before uploading. Smaller files upload faster and process more quickly. Members enjoy greater file sizes, resolutions and upload priority. More info here: https://www.bitchute.com/membership

Step 4: Upload Your Video

Select Video: Drag & Drop or Browse your video file 

Grab a Thumbnail: Thumbnails are mandatory and you can grab one from your video or upload a customized one.

  • Title: Enter a title for your video (up to 100 characters).
  • Description (up to 3000 characters, 5000 for members) to give context or additional information about your video.
  • Content Sensitivity: Select the appropriate sensitivity setting (Pro Tip: Normal allows to reach all users on the platform).
  • Search Terms: Up to three hashtags for better discoverability.
  • Publish right away: If you want your video to be immediately available on the platform leave this checked otherwise uncheck.
  • Proceed: Confirm and complete the upload process.

Step 6: Post-upload Settings

To access your video settings after uploading click the Edit button below the video on New BitChute or the Settings button on Old

  • Category: Choose or set a category for your video to help categorize it on the platform.
  • Discussion: Decide if you want to enable comments on your video.
  • Check Visibility: Set video to public if you want it visible to everyone, or adjust visibility as needed.
  • Promote Your Video: Share the link on social media, forums, or wherever your audience might be to increase views.

Step 7: Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Upload Stuck: Try clearing your browser's cache, ensuring cookies are enabled, or check if browser plugins are interfering.
  • Processing Time: If your video remains in processing for an unusually long time, consider re-uploading or optimizing the file size.
  • Special Characters: If the upload fails after reaching 100%, check for and remove any special characters from the file name, title, or description.

If all these fail or you have any questions contact us our support at support@bitchute.com

If you found this guide helpful, please consider supporting us! BitChute relies entirely on member support to keep the platform alive. Discounted memberships with great benefits, all while helping sustain our community. 
Please visit: https://www.bitchute.com/membership

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BitChute is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform. Creators are allowed to post content they produce to the platform, so long as they comply with our policies. The content posted to the platform is not reflective or representative of the views of BitChute, its staff or owners. BitChute and all associated trademarks are owned and operated by Deep State Protocol LLC. © 2017-2024 DSP LLC.

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