Popular topics: Community Guidelines, Cookie Policy

Our Commitment

Welcome to BitChute, a content sharing platform and associated services offered by Deep State Protcol, LLC ("DSP"). BitChute aims to put creators first and provide them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely. We aim to provide a forum for civil, productive discourse regarding the conditions, issues, events, and creative works which comprise and affect human flourishing generally.

This document details our commitment to the BitChute community; it should be read and understood in conjunction with the Community Guidelines. This commitment is defined using a set of principles and can be shown at a high level in the following:

Freedom of Expression Oppression or Incitement
Opportunity to Succeed Platform Bias
'People Power' 'Mob Rule'
Individual Responsibility Censorship
Empowering Creators Exploiting Creators
Decentralized Distribution Illegal Content

These principles are intended to foster an inclusive environment where users can express themselves, their thoughts and/or opinions for open discussion, without unjust criticism or discrimination. They are to be read and considered in their entirety.

Freedom of Expression

We are committed to giving all creators the same freedom to express themselves.

According to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media, modern or traditional, and regardless of frontiers.

The right to freedom of expression does not apply solely to information and ideas generally considered to be useful or correct. It applies equally to any kind of fact or opinion that can be communicated. The UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRCm) has stressed that 'expression' is broad and not confined to political, cultural or artistic expression. It also includes controversial, false or even shocking expression. The mere fact that an idea is disliked or thought to be incorrect does not justify its censorship.

The right to freedom of expression means that states must 'respect' free expression and not interfere with it. The right also places a positive obligation, where appropriate, to remove obstacles to free expression.

Some examples of why ensuring freedom of expression is necessary include:

  • Ensuring that individuals can be heard and understood.
  • Holding those in a position of power to account.
  • Preventing the monopolisation of the media by the state and/or private companies.
  • The development of a fair and just society.
  • Fostering the search for truth in furtherance of human flourishing.

There are numerous things on the internet that many people will find personally distasteful, and they are free to avoid and/or criticise those things. We feel strongly that all people must be allowed to share their experiences, knowledge, and opinions to raise awareness about issues that are important to them and wider society.

We give all creators the same opportunity to express themselves, whether as individuals or in voluntary association with others.

Our Community Guidelines are designed to prohibit unacceptable behavior which constitutes direct or indirect threats and incitement that have no place in civil discourse.

Opportunity to Succeed

We are committed to treating everyone as equals with the same rights and opportunity to succeed.

All members of the community and wider society should be treated as equals with the same rights, regardless of their race, age, sex, religion, political beliefs, or any other immutable attribute or self-assigned designation.

In order to prevent platform bias, all moderation decisions made by the platform and its staff will be as transparent as legally possible and subject to reasonable appeal.

‘People Power’

We are committed to giving people the power to choose which content is more prominent in feeds appearing on the BitChute platform.

Objective criteria such as views, likes, and number of subscribers determine which creators are featured most prominently across BitChute, with the expectation that the more widely accepted and supported content will rise to the top. The site and background features are designed to help achieve this objective. An individual's “Subscribed” feed, by contrast, consists only of that content selected by the account holder. Setting a preferred content sensitivity level provides more control over what one encounters on BitChute.

Individual Responsibility

We are committed to ensuring that users are responsible and held accountable for their content.

Users are expected to show respect and decency towards fellow members of the community and wider society when posting content to the platform. Our guidelines will be enforced for all content posted to the platform and the user posting the content will be held accountable. Where feasible, creators will are encouraged to moderate the comments related to their content, in alignment with the guidelines. But anyone on the BitChute platform, whether or not logged into an account, can flag violating content. Read more about our Guidelines Enforcement process here. 

The guidelines are not intended to stifle, prevent or otherwise censor reasonable attempts to confront and debate edgy, distasteful, or unpopular opinions.

Empowering Creators

We are committed to providing creators with tools that support and empower them.

To accomplish this, we will strive to provide creators with tools that allow them to present and manage their content effectively.

Creators will be provided with integration points that allow them to monetise their content, either by linking to third party payment platforms, product endorsement through advertising, or other methods which may develop in the future.

Decentralised Distribution

We are committed to decentralising the storage and distribution of content.

We will endeavour to leverage, develop and implement decentralised technology that will help with the storage and distribution of content available through the platform.

We will implement appropriate technologies to minimise the distribution of third party copyrighted and other illegal content.

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BitChute is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform. Creators are allowed to post content they produce to the platform, so long as they comply with our policies. The content posted to the platform is not reflective or representative of the views of BitChute, its staff or owners. BitChute and all associated trademarks are owned and operated by Deep State Protocol LLC. © 2017-2024 DSP LLC.

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