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Prohibited Entities List

The following table shows the entities that BitChute has independently identified and explicitly prohibited on the platform under the Terrorism & Violent Extremism guideline. Posting material produced by, endorsing, empowering, or otherwise promoting these entities is not permitted on the platform.

Entity Name Alternative Names
Golden Dawn

Nordic Resistance Movement
Suomen Vastarintaliike (Finnish Resistance Movement), Norske Motstandsbevegelsen (Norwegian Resistance Movement), Svenska Motståndsrörelsen (Swedish Resistance Movement), Nordisk Styrka (Nordic Strength)
Order of Nine Angles

It is recommended that creators check this list regularly to ensure that do not post material that violates this policy.

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BitChute is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform. Creators are allowed to post content they produce to the platform, so long as they comply with our policies. The content posted to the platform is not reflective or representative of the views of Bit Chute Limited, its staff or owners. © 2017-2023 Bit Chute Limited, Box 813, Andover House, George Yard, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1PB. United Kingdom. Company number 10637289.

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