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Announcing Our $10,000 No-Shadow-Banning Guarantee

BitChute's Commitment to Freedom of Speech AND Reach

At BitChute, we are more than just a video sharing platform; we are staunch advocates for true freedom of expression. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing an open and uncensored space for creators and viewers alike, we are excited to introduce our unique, $10,000 no-shadow-banning guarantee.


Why This Guarantee Matters

BitChute has never shadow banned its users—and never will. Today shadow banning and other types of content censorship are commonplace, almost expected. BitChute, by contrast, remains dedicated to ensuring that all legal content has unconstrained reach. We firmly believe that the only proper way to address controversial or offensive ideas is through open dialogue, not suppression and digital assassination. Our new guarantee shows that this commitment is not just a bunch of words. We put real money on the line to prove our commitment to both transparency and accountability.


Here’s how it works: if you can prove that your legal content has been shadow banned on BitChute, you will receive $10,000. Just write to support@bitchute.com and use the subject header “I’m being shadow banned!” Include all available evidence so we can properly evaluate your claim, including relevant screenshots, timeline of relevant events, account and operating system information, etc. 


This initiative is designed to affirm our promise that every voice can be heard without undue interference. Unlike other platforms which employ opaque algorithms and moderation practices, BitChute stands by its core value of unrestricted freedom of speech and reach.


Supporting and Thanking Our Community

As you have noticed, we recently released a new user interface. While the platform now operates much faster than before, it is common for projects of this scale to be released with a bug or two. In the event that what you bring to our attention is not shadow-banning but instead a bug, we will offer a bug bounty the size of which will depend on the seriousness of the bug identified, consistent with industry practice. 


Whether it's uncovering bugs or providing constructive feedback, we believe in rewarding those who contribute to making BitChute a better place for all. This initiative reflects our dedication to continuously enhancing our user experience, as well as maintaining the highest standards of transparency and accountability to our users and creators.


Join Us in Championing Free Speech

As we move forward, we invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. By joining BitChute, you are not only gaining access to a platform which values and embodies the principle of free expression, but you are also contributing to a broader movement towards a more open and unfettered digital landscape—and world!

At BitChute, every voice matters, and we are committed to ensuring that yours is heard. That your reach is limited only by the value you bring to your audience. If you’re not yet a member of our community, sign up nowto experience a platform where you can truly be yourself—without compromise.


Again, for more information about our $10,000 guarantee, our bug bounty, and how you can get involved, write to our support team at support@bitchute.com.


Thank you again for being a member of the BitChute community. We are excited to share the next phase with you all—so stay tuned!

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BitChute is a peer-to-peer content sharing platform. Creators are allowed to post content they produce to the platform, so long as they comply with our policies. The content posted to the platform is not reflective or representative of the views of BitChute, its staff or owners. BitChute and all associated trademarks are owned and operated by Deep State Protocol LLC. © 2017-2024 DSP LLC.

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